Make money writing online

There is more way to earn money but before online writing you have to know how to write organize and how people accept your article. First required knowledge and chose a subject to write article then add some source link and last great conclusion.That’s the simple way to writing. Before writing you just need more practicing to write and read more articles. The important matter is how other people write and how they use proper word just observe, learn and practice  

Here some website you can learn here and also earn here 
  • Ezinearticle is the one of the top article submission site. Submit your article so people will click your link & you get money

  • is one of the most popular site to share article. They pay better 

  •  Wiretap is the magazine for young people. Young people can submit stories, issues and more. Age limit are 16-28 , they pay $50-$200
  • Xomba is one of article and review blog and possible to earn $ 1.50 a day
  • e-how: write article one time and get income over the year
